Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Goodbye Teddy

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
You Ain't Gonna Believe This!
Friday, April 24, 2009
United We Stand America
If you don't know the beginning of the story, you can read the skeleton details from Sarah's website and see the pictures from the first part of the story -- here.
In late February, Ed and I received an email from Jason, whereby he was inviting us on a Texas road-trip! To none other than Ross Perot's Plano, TX to personally thank him for all he did for our family. He proved to be quite a fascinating person -- very humble, witty, and extremely down to earth.
We learned a lot from the United We Stand America founder. We learned he buys his suits from Men's Warehouse, what he thinks of Jane Fonda AND Hillary Clinton, about his 15 grand-children and fabulous stories about some of his activities. We saw some of the fabulous paintings and artifacts in his personal memoriabilia collection. For example -- the picture of Washington on the dollar bill is from a painting -- about 16 x 20. Mr. Perot owns the orginal! It hangs in his office, next to s
We presented Mr. Perot a copy of Tom's Book. We thought Tom wouldn't mind Ross Perot catching up on how one may use Calvin and Hobbes to explain just about anything possible going on in the life of a young cadet, soldier, son, brother, and friend.
One striking comment to us was, "Your Son didn't die for his country. He lived for his country. For if something is not worth dying for, it's not worth living for." Pretty profound and I believe Tom would agree with Mr. Perot.
You can enjoy more pictures from Jason's April 18 website post here.
It was a fabulous day and a fun way to thank a humble man who did something nice -- because he could.
Til later ~~ Mom/Candy/Chief
Thursday, April 16, 2009
April 16th

Last year, the day I turned 54, was the day Laura left for Botswana. It’s hard to believe she’s been gone a year and I can hardly wait to see my “African Queen” next month.
The year I turned 40, we were living in Arkansas and my friend, Erlene, flew from Sioux Falls to spend my birthday with me. The kids were 13, 11, 10, and 8! What a fun time!
When I turned 20 – I bought a motorcycle on that day! It was a little 125cc Honda street bike. I didn’t ride it much, but my younger brothers (Jim and Jan) really put the miles on it! I’ll never forget the look on my Mother’s face when I drove it to her house. What a shock! Don’t worry – I’m not the “Harley Davidson” type, so don’t expect any motorcycles from this chick anymore!
I share my birthday was some fabulous (and some not-so fabulous) people – Pope Benedict XVI, Henry Mancini, Bobby Vinton, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Jimmy Osmond, Ellen Barkin (same year!), and my favorite birthday buddy – Ben Parks (my great nephew)!
Don’t need the education woos – as I’m within 3 weeks of finishing up the Master’s Program!!! YIKES!! But, travel will be good. As for that foreign trip? We are planning on Africa January 2010!
Happy Birthday to you and yours whenever you celebrate this year, or next, or next! I love birthdays!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Going My Way?

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Spring Break -- For All

Speaking of uniforms in the museum displays -- I celebrated a milestone this past Sunday (22 March). It was 34 years ago I raised my hand and enlisted in the Women's Army Corps. Not many WAC's still serving in the Army today. In fact, not many in the Army today even know what a WAC is!! That's frightening. But, I tell 'em! The Army celebrates Women's History Month every March. This week I was asked to sit on a panel of 5 women leaders to talk about Women in the Army and leadership. It was well received and we had about 40 people in attendance. Each of us spoke about what it was in our time of early Army years. I remember how I enlisted for three years, and how those first ten went by in a blur. I remember being the last basic training class that DID NOT have weapons training! We had make-up, etiquette and poise classes! We did push-ups from the knees. Push-ups from the toes were for the boys! Many jobs were closed to women and women in combat was an absolute taboo! Girls, have we come a long way!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Woo Hoo!

Woo hoo is right!! This is my application for graduation that went in the mail today! I'll be finished in May!!! It has been a good experience and I must admit I have learned a great deal. But.....I'm tired of living in my procrastination world. OK.....my kids come by it naturally! There. I said it!
On another note -- I went to Burger King for lunch today, stopping by the drive-thru to grab something to take back to the office. Upon approaching the microphone to place my order, I hear a voice, "you need to know, we are completely out of burgers, so please make another choice!" That meant EVERY type of burger -- the little shooters (new on the menu), whoppers, the steakburgers, etc. All burgers. Wait.......I thought I was a BURGER King. I guess he lost his crown, or tiara, or whatever he was wearing today.
On to homework this evening!
Til later ~~ Mom/Candy/Chief