Greetings ~~

Speaking of uniforms in the museum displays -- I celebrated a milestone this past Sunday (22 March). It was 34 years ago I raised my hand and enlisted in the Women's Army Corps. Not many WAC's still serving in the Army today. In fact, not many in the Army today even know what a WAC is!! That's frightening. But, I tell 'em! The Army celebrates Women's History Month every March. This week I was asked to sit on a panel of 5 women leaders to talk about Women in the Army and leadership. It was well received and we had about 40 people in attendance. Each of us spoke about what it was in our time of early Army years. I remember how I enlisted for three years, and how those first ten went by in a blur. I remember being the last basic training class that DID NOT have weapons training! We had make-up, etiquette and poise classes! We did push-ups from the knees. Push-ups from the toes were for the boys! Many jobs were closed to women and women in combat was an absolute taboo! Girls, have we come a long way!

Ok....I know it's been a while since I blogged. But....I have been on Spring Break!!! Actually, Becky was on Spring Break, so she and Ed flew out to spend a fun-filled, whirl-wind week at the Martin Virginia Bungalow!
I picked them up on Saturday, the 14th of March. We spent Sunday with Maryland Martin Family -- Dan, Diana, and Alex ( pics -- we forgot the cameras!) at the Potomac Mills Outlet Mall. We ate, walked, shopped, ate some more, and then bid farewell. Great visit.
Monday, Ed, Becky, and I headed toward Washington D.C. We parked on the south side of the city and took the Metro into the city. One pic reflects we didn't know much about the machines, nor how to buy a ticket! But, we learned quickly and found our way to the White House, the Viet Nam Memorial Wall, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, the WWII Memorial and then on to the Pentagon for a guided tour.
Tuesday was a partial day at Fort Lee. The week prior was an especially exciting time on Fort Lee as we hosted the Annual Army Culinary Arts competition. The largest culinary competion in the world! We went to the Culinary Arts building, where some of the exhibits will remain for this next year. Below is a chocolate leprechaun. The picture doesn't really do it justice -- the detail was truly amazing. Other sculptures were out of fat and lard! Seriously -- a beautiful dragon complete with all the marbling found in fats. Amazing!
After Fort Lee, we headed toward the Jamestown Settlement, but just missed the tour! So, we drove 20 minutes to Colonial Williamsburg and spent the rest of the day and evening. The carriage ride pic is from our trip "around town". I learned the city of Williamsburg was bought by the old Rockefeller money in the 1920's and established as a foundation. 98% of the buildings are original. Also learned the city was the original capitol of the Virginia Colony. The Governor lived in the Governor's Palace, the place where we enjoyed a beautiful 1700-period concert in the evening.
Wednesday morning we woke early (yep, Becky really got out of bed before 10!) and were on the road about 5:30. We had a 9:10 tour at our Nation's Capitol and what a thrill! We found our way to the Jefferson Memorial, then on to Arlington National Cemetery where we toured and also got to witness the humbling Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown.
Thursday was museum day at Fort Lee. This is my opportunity to BRAG about my Army! The Quartermaster Corps is the second oldest branch in the Army -- second to the Infantry. The Infantry was born the same day as the Army -- June 14, 1775. Two days later, it was recognized the Infantry couldn't do much without supplies, fuel, ammo, etc. So....the Quartermaster Corps was born and is today the largest branch of the military at 118,000 total soldiers. Second largest is the Infantry at 112,000. Infantry may be older (by 2 whole days!), but we're bigger (by a bunch!) The Quartermaster Museum is tastefully done and exhibits are very interesting. Fort Lee is also home to the Women's Army Museum. I find it humbling because the first type of uniforms I wore are now on display in the museum!
Ed and Becky flew out late Thursday and we all felt we needed to get back to school and work in an effort to rest up! We did have a wonderful week! Can't wait to have a repeat!!!
Speaking of uniforms in the museum displays -- I celebrated a milestone this past Sunday (22 March). It was 34 years ago I raised my hand and enlisted in the Women's Army Corps. Not many WAC's still serving in the Army today. In fact, not many in the Army today even know what a WAC is!! That's frightening. But, I tell 'em! The Army celebrates Women's History Month every March. This week I was asked to sit on a panel of 5 women leaders to talk about Women in the Army and leadership. It was well received and we had about 40 people in attendance. Each of us spoke about what it was in our time of early Army years. I remember how I enlisted for three years, and how those first ten went by in a blur. I remember being the last basic training class that DID NOT have weapons training! We had make-up, etiquette and poise classes! We did push-ups from the knees. Push-ups from the toes were for the boys! Many jobs were closed to women and women in combat was an absolute taboo! Girls, have we come a long way!
Til later ~~ Mom/Candy/Chief
P. S. One day I'll learn how to space the pictures properly -- until then -- enjoy them. I think they speak for themselves!
1 comment:
The Martin Virginia Bungalow?! How fun! And Mom- why do you look so cranky in that picture at the White House? Did Becky use the "sh word" right before that was taken? ;)
Great update! Glad you guys had fun!
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