Finally.....after living like a gypsy for the past six weeks, the eagle has landed!!! Previous posts have shed some of the horror stories about living out of my car and it has been a challenge. Not literally living out of the car, but storing nearly everything in it, because I had too much junk to haul it in/out and I was fearful I may have had to move -- just one last time!
Alas, apartment life will be grand! Here was my welcome home gift from the apartment
complex. Yes, that is a toilet plunger!! On top of the plunger is a roll of toilet tissue ( was one-ply, but still exciting!) and some liquid and bar soaps. The wine? What wasn't from the apartment complex. That was from me! But, I thought it looked great alongside the "real" welcome gift. Check out the crystal-like handle of the plunger. Obviously, the prettiest one I've ever seen.

Then, today I found this welcome site. My personal delivery man. What a great day. I got to see Ed and Chip. It will be great having them around for more than a week. We got the truck unloaded and started putting things in places.
All in all -- a good start!
Til later ~~ Mom/Candy/Chief