I had an exciting day. Today was the ribbon-cutting ceremony, establishing The Sustainment Center of Excellence (SCOE), which is the combined headquarters of the Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) and the three training installations under CASCOM -- the Quartermaster Center & School (which I am part of), the Ordnance Center & School, and the Transportation Center & School. The establishment of the SCOE is a BRAC (Base Realignment and Closing) project that will eventually move the Army Maintenance and Transportation schools to Fort Lee, joining the Quartermaster (supply, food service, aerial delivery, morturary, water, fuel, etc.) courses, currently taught on Fort Lee. Fort Lee will teach more MOS (military jobs) than any other military installation. It is an exciting time to be part of a new era in the Army. We will be moving across the street into the new building later this spring. The creation of the SCOE will have all the Army sustainers taught on Fort Lee under the umbrella of the Sustainment Center of Excellence (SCOE). 

As for my new job -- the first week was good. Met many terrific people that I will be working with. I was able to renew some old friendships. The longer I am in the Army, the more I am convinced it is truly a very small world. Here I am in front of the Quartermaster Museum. Absolutely one of the highlights for whenever you tour Fort Lee. Amazingly, they have uniforms in the museum that I used to wear!!! That means I must be REAL old!! History lesson -- Quartermaster is the second oldest branch in the Army -- second only to the Infantry. Infantry was "born" the same day the Army was born -- June 14, 1776. Immediately, they knew they needed someone to sustain the battle, hence the Quartermaster Corps was born just two days later. I love that little tidbit!
Til later ~~ Mom/Candy/Chief
I'm impressed! You are really getting with the posting. It's great. Ed.
I second that! Way to go, Mom! Will you take us to the museum when we come visit? :)
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