Monday, February 16, 2009

President's Day UBI

Happy Federal Holiday to all those who were lucky enough to get today scheduled off. I've called this post "President's Day UBI". For those of you who don't know -- a UBI is a useless bit of information. I love UBI's. They're fun, harmless, and most importantly useless. However, one never knows when a UBI can come in handy.

When I was a kid the pictures of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln hung in our classrooms. Every kid in America knew who #1 and #16 were. It was part of the curriculum. So....when the feds decided they needed to add a Federal holiday to the calendar, so people like me and those I hang out with, could get another scheduled day off -- they choose the month of February because as a small child, we also learned their respective birthdays are February 22nd and February 12.

Here's the UBI part -- but very fun to remember if you were among my sibilngs! My dad was a twin. His first name was Robert and his twin's name was Herbert. Not sure where the names came from. Just plain ol' names anyone would give to two identical twin boys born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota in the year 1923. But....they happened to be born on February 12th -- so they were named respectively -- Herbert Abraham and Robert Lincoln. I was always glad my Dad was the younger of the twins, because I always though Robert Lincoln had a very nice ring to it. Poor Uncle Herb.

Wherever you were today -- enjoying the holiday, now you can laugh at a small little UBI involving #16.

Til later ~~ Mom/Candy/Chief


Laura R. said...

Very nice UBI. I kinda like Lincoln as a first name... It's catchy. :)


Anonymous said...

And now I have the song "Father Abraham" in my head. Remember that one from VBS? Father Abraham, had many sons. Many sons had Father Abraham. I am one of them, and so are you. So let's all praise the Lord! I believe it was one of those "get up and do the actions" kind of songs!

Anonymous said...

I must have been sick that day, as I don't remember that song. Sorry. :(

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the UBI - and I hope all you Federal employees enjoyed your day off, as I slaved away doing a stupid 6 hour training!