Thursday, January 15, 2009

Chicken Fat

When I was a little girl we used to exercise to a song in gym class. It was called gym class, because we went to the gym! My era didn't start calling it PE, until I was in Senior High. I remember a line from the song, "GO YOU CHICKEN FAT, GO!"

That's the way I feel! Go you whatever fat, go!!! So....I've decided to take better control of my health and this is the year I WILL get in shape. I joined a local fitness center last weekend and have been there every day (that's six in a row!) They have a wonderful swimming pool and those of you who know me, know I love the water. But, I have started also working out on the machines. It certainly beats sitting looking at four walls each night.

As I've been exercising, that lyric constantly plays through my head "GO YOU CHICKEN FAT, GO!" I remember it was first or second grade when we started exercising to the familiar tune at Irving Elementary. I know my brothers will remember it too.

I couldn't remember the actual name of the tune, so I Googled "chicken fat exercise". I found it -- thank heavens for the internet. I hope you too can find this link: The name of the song is CHICKEN FAT and it is sung by the one and only Robert Preston (remember him as THE MUSIC MAN)! The year was 1961 and I would have been in the first grade that year.

Ah....the memories of childhood and the ability to remember those fun times!

Til later ~~ Mom/Candy/Chief

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of your Google skills! Way to go, Mom! And congrats on the working out - maybe I will join you. There is a new gym about a block from our house that I may have to go check out as soon as the little guy's schedule will allow... 2009 is lookin' good! :)